Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead
Orange Stilbite Cluster-GratefulGemHead

Orange Stilbite Cluster


Lustrous clusters of orange Stilbite crystals cover this stone along with small pockets of double terminated Stilbite that can be seen on the backside.  The matrix has some veins of druzy that can be seen and an almost purple color within the host rock.  Making this piece unique is its origin of New Jersey, while most of the Stilbite seen on the market is from India.

6.25" x 3.5" x 2.75"

1.1 lb

Moore's Station Quarry, Mercer County, New Jersey



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